Naturally, awesomely restorative.
Before sports drinks, there was Switchel. Long a staple in American farms, children carried switchel out to the hayfields in mason jars so their parents could hydrate and re-energize. This was the thirst-quencher of choice for farmers during haying season, earning the nickname Haymaker’s Punch. Today, we just call it awesome.
Long known for its restorative effects, farmers drank Switchel to offset dehydration from the hard work of hand cutting grass with a scythe during haying season. Switchel replenished electrolytes, quenched their thirst, cleared their lungs and re-energized farmers during harvests; getting them back into the field for more work.
Crafted with simple ingredients.
St. Paul Switchel is small-batch crafted and available in kegs. Ours is a blend of organic apple cider vinegar, fresh ginger and local wildflower honey from Bare Honey (Minneapolis). With a sweet-tangy flavor profile, St. Paul Switchel restores and refreshes served cold on a hot summer day or served warm in the winter. Like a tried-and-true recipe passed down from a great grandparent, and in the tradition of a craft beer, St. Paul Switchel is a revitalizing small-batch, all-natural energy drink.